Friday, June 5, 2009

Dog Breed Historical Pictures

This is the finest collection of old dog breed photos that I have ever seen. A really excellent resource! Thanks to Pietoro for making this public on his photobucket account.


Some breeds really stand out as looking spectacular and useful in their original form, for example;

The Hinks Bull and Terrier

The Boxer

Dobermann's Pinscher

The Russian Greyhound "Borzoi"

Isn't it amazing how much these fine canine breeds have changed as a result of selective breeding for aesthetics?

Remember also that some of the examples in this photo album are already in an early state of "show bred" mutation. The British Bulldog for example is seen in it's frog like form, as compared to the early bull baiting athletic form.


Ditch Shitter said...

Now; I just Love shots of 'original' Dogs! And that " Boxer " is an absolute corker!

I've always, and Still, wondered what a proper one should have looked like. Now I've just seen it!

Know what? USA's bursting at the seams with people trying to breed up and (re) create the perfect " Ban Dog ". A Personal Protection candidate.

Most tend to broadly agree on what's about right ~ once ye separate the 'Herder' from the 'Molosser' freaks.

One thing's for certain though; A Lot of the Dogs end up looking a LOT like that " Boxer "!

Only tonight, in fact, I was studying an old, WW2 era photo of some German unit of Dog Handlers. It featured Boxers and Dobermans very much like those ye show!

Just where do ye dig up this Great shit, SM?! :D

Snake Mouth said...

The boxer is what caught my eye the most as well. Terrible that the show people have turned it into a frog like, disease ridden, freak. It probably at one time was the best and most useful bulldog in Europe.

I find this type of stuff from browsing the internet, reading books and talking to friends mostly. I am glad you appreciate it all. thanks mate!