Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ox Tongue

First the tongue needs to be well scrubbed with a stiff brush, then covered with cold water and left to soak for half a day or so. After that discard the water, place the tongue in a deep pan and cover with 6-7 pints (3.5-4 litres) of fresh cold water. Bring this up to the boil, then skim off all the surface scum. Simmer very gently for about 3½ hours.

The tongue will be ready when the skin is 'blistered' and the T-shaped bone at the root comes away easily when pulled. Remove the tongue from the pan and douse it with cold water to cool, then strip away all the skin. Neaten the tongue by trimming away the ragged and gristly bits at the root and underneath, then curl it round to fit into the tin or dish or plastic freezer bag.

Leave for several hours (or overnight) in the refridgerator until cold.

Slice some onto a sandwhich with English mustard and salad.

This is very cheap. I get ox tongue free from my local butcher.

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